Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Help Bring Back Bridge Home.

Having been a big advocate for Adobe Bridge over the years, I was shocked and sickened to discover this message when I started up my Bridge this morning. 

Adobe Bridge Home was one of the best assets available and a bragging point for Adobe Bridge. Having experienced the confusion and frustration trying to find information about my products via the Labyrinth that is, I was always pleased with the experience and ease-of-use from Adobe Bridge Home. Where else can you find one place that has tutorials, tips, product information, upcoming events related directly to your Adobe Products? Now you will have to search several pages in to find the same information housed in one source. 

Shame on you Adobe for abandoning something that your users 1. actually used and 2. worked great without the need for major updates. 

If you feel the same way I do, I encourage you to email and let them know it. 

Hopefully we can bring back this very important asset to all Adobe Users. 

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