Monday, August 25, 2008

Remove extra returns from PDFs

Have you ever copied text out of a PDF and noticed that at the end of the every line break there is a hard return? This can be quite annoying when you are trying to copy and paste text out of a PDF and then re-flow it back into a new document. The trick it to create a tagged PDF. In Adobe Acrobat Professional go to the advanced menu and choose accessibility > add tags to document. Now when you copy and paste the text it will re-flow correctly when pasted into a new document.

Monday, August 18, 2008

CTC Conference After Effects Hands-on Files

For everyone who was in the After Effects hands-on, here is a link to many of the files that we worked on - and some we did not get to:

If anyone in the class wants to contact me - feel free to email me at:

Monday, August 11, 2008

Learn What Application Made your PDF

Have you ever wondered what application made any given PDF? It is very easy to find out. Just open any PDF in Adobe Acrobat Professional and go to File > Properties. This will open up the general properties dialog and halfway down it will tell you application (and version) created your PDF.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hiding Master Page items

A client contacted me yesterday with a problem they were having with masterpages. After talking to them on the phone to make sure they were doing everything correctly, they sent me the files so I could take a look.
After take a closer look at the files I realized that the masterpage was being applied correctly, but the masterpage items themselves were not present. That is when I went to the pages panel menu and noticed that "hide master items" had been chosen. After choosing "show master items" from the menu, everything went back to normal again.