Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What is your biggest question about video?

Everyone out in the C2 blogosphere.... I have a quick question for you.

What is your biggest question about video?

Please respond back to the blog with your questions. If you are embarrassed about a question - comment anonymously.

I ask for several reasons. I want to know what questions people have about video, how it works, and misconceptions people might have about it. I want to be able to talk directly to you, the reader, about topics in video that you might not understand. I also want to be able to have a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) available for people that want to get their feet wet in video. Also if we ever have a seminar about video, I have an idea about the questions people are interested in.

Sample questions might be:
  • What is frame rate?
  • Why does my YouTube video look like garbage when I put it onto the site?
  • What is streaming video?
  • Why do post-production houses charge so much for editing?
If any of these are a question you want me to answer please let me know as well. I will post some answers depending partly on the volume of questions.

Thanks! -- Alex

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