First is the advances in Photoshop CS4. We've all talked about it, posted about it, and shown you a lot of cool things, but I know people are slow to adopt. But when you do, watch out and be ready for a great time. CS4 makes Photoshop fun again (not that it really wasn't before...).
Second is Photoshop World Conferences. With Apple pulling out of MacWorld after this year, and Adobe following suit, this poises PSWorld to be the biggest Adobe related conference outside of the über expensive MAX.
Be sure to check out Photoshop User Magazine and subscribe here. PS User Magazine and its counterpart, Layers are the two best resources for Adobe Creative Suite applications that I have found. Plus, as they are the main sponsors of PS World and The Photoshop Tours, you get insider information and discounts to events hosted by them. The website alone is worth the subscription cost. Be sure to click the link posted here for a bonus DVD with your order.
Next, I am really looking forward to the new Intel chips (dual-core nano processors, etc.) and what they can mean to both Mac and PC users. Im expecting a big ramp up on speed and in turn more Photoshop wow from Adobe.
And lastly is something that I talk about from time to time – Adobe Labs. This is Adobe's cutting edge tech available for you to preview and read about before it is released to the masses.
Adobe has released two really awesome applications/plug-ins for Photoshop in the past two months and they are really going to push the app into the new year.
First is Pixel Bender. If you haven't hear the gossip about this, Pixel Bender allows everyday users an interface to create their own complex filters using simple coding interfaces and a small number of tools that are sufficient to write complex image-processing algorithms (ie. Filters or Effects.
Next is Configurator. This Flex App allows you to create your own custom Photoshop panel with tools, menu options and information specific to your needs. Think of it as a way to simplify all the panels in Photoshop to fit your workflow.
So that is my short list of what I think will be the big news for 09 with Adobe Photoshop. Id love to hear what geeks you out with your favorite app.
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