Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Adobe (and Fritz)!

So not only is today the birthday of James Fritz, one of our Rockstar instructors, but it also marks the 25th anniversary of Adobe Systems, Inc. 25 years ago, John Warnock and Chuck Geschke left Xerox to pursue a new computer system that would incorporate graphics and text into printable pages called Interpress. Interpress and another program called JaM would evolve into the Adobe Postscript language we have all used in our graphics applications today. This was the launching point for the desktop revolution.

Think of it, without the foresight of these two scientist/ mathematicians, we would not have the great applications that are industry standards today. Its hard to believe that in 1988 was the first version of Adobe Illustrator, and three years later, in 1991, Adobe Photoshop was launched. (Makes you feel old doesn't it?)

So Happy Anniversary Adobe! Click the links below to see great video and interactive material from Adobe Systems, Inc. on their silver anniversary!


History of Adobe Interactive Timeline
Adobe: 25 Years of Magic Newsletter
Adobe 25 Years of Innovation Video

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