Thursday, January 17, 2008

Advertising or Design?

Last night was the opening of the Eisner Museum's new Art or Design exhibit - I went there thinking that my questions regarding "Is it Advertising?" or "Is it Design?" would be 100% fully answered. But not so much. As Cori Coffman, the Museum's Director explained, the big difference between advertising & design is media - so is the design the ad and the advertising portion the media buy? Something to ponder.

There is definitely a difference when you're looking at an advertising agency versus a design agency. Taking a look at Planet Propaganda's ads versus some of the traditional agencies, it appeared to me (please note that my opinions are not necessarily shared or reflected by C2 Graphics Productivity Solutions - per the infomercial calls on TV) that their use of space and color was quite different than an ad agency. Also, I noticed ad agencies were a little more heavy on copy than the design agencies.

I guess I'll have to wait to see what Steve Sandstrom says at the Mad Ad Fed event on Monday, January 28th at the Sheraton. By the way, he's also speaking at the Eisner Museum on January 29 at 6:00pm.

Either way, don't forget to stop by the exhibit soon and see all the great pieces!

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